ms. fresh fish

Unexpected Similarities
November 12, 2014, 7:45 am
Filed under: babies, family, ottawa, Parenting, Restaurants, The big picture | Tags: , , , , , ,

Tb and I spent the day with (Great, to her) Nanny yesterday. Tb is now three, (Great) Nanny is now ninety. Woah on both fronts.

It’s always a far more pleasant experience to visit the Lord Lansdowne with only one twin, particularly the one who feels she’s an adult rather than a monkey seemingly on speed. (Guess which one is more fun at the park or out for a hike?) So, we were able to spend awhile together today, just the three of us.

I teared up watching them chat at their Kettleman’s table while I ordered our bagel delights. I love that I can leave them alone together while I run off to get something (read: go to the bathroom). We all excitedly watched the jets fly over the building after they passed over the Cenotaph and my grandmother talked about the war years.

As the morning, and then the afternoon, wore on, certain similarities between my companions could no longer escape my awareness.

  • Speed of getting from point A to B (spoiler alert: the speed is that which requires me to re-assess my own natural pace and allows me to take some (a lot of) time to re-assess whether I really need to always move as fast as I do – I decline to note the answer to that reflection)
  • Interest in abiding by the unwritten (probably written, let’s be honest) rules around Moments of SILENCE (As in, no interest. At all.)
  • Neither require my help, for anything. Apparently.
  • Neither are particularly interested in small talk, which works well for me as then I get to small talk for three!
  • Speed of eating one bagel, or 4/5 of a bagel (pic below is approximately 45 minutes since we’d arrived)Kettleman's
  • Both get very excited about new walkers, as discovered after the original broke while at lunch and required being replaced in a hurry. This is J “surprising” Nanny with her new walker, which she only gave up upon securing the old (broken) one, now in our trunk)

Nanny's New Walker

 What a lovely (and ridiculous) day.

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